2 Things To Do To Make Your Business ADA Compliant

If you are renovating your business, you need to make sure that it meets all of the ADA regulations. Your business needs to be accessible to all people. So, what are some of the things that you need to do to make sure that your business is accessible and in compliance with the ADA?

Automatic Doors

One thing that you can do to make sure that your business is in compliance is to have automatic doors. These doors come in a variety of styles. There are doors that can work manually, just by someone pushing on them, like any other door, and then they have an automatic function, which will let them open if someone pushes a button. There are other doors that are going to open anytime a sensor is triggered. Some automatic doors work better for interior doors, while others will work better for external uses. The reason that automatic doors can help your business be in compliance because they will let people who would generally have a hard time opening doors for whatever reason easily get the doors open. For example, a person who is in a wheelchair may have a hard time opening a door because they can't easily get close to the door and pull the door open while still handling their wheelchair. But, if they can just push a button and the door will open, they can get into your business easily. 

Wider Doorways

If your business is in an older building, your doors may be narrower than the ADA recommends. In order to be in compliance, your doorways should be at least 36 inches wide. That will accommodate wheelchairs and walkers easily. If your doorways don't meet those requirements, you will have to work with your builder to make sure that they widened correctly. If the doorway is in a load bearing wall, it will take more work to widen it because the lintel will have to be replaced along with the studs because they will still need to be able to bear the load of your building. 

If you are doing any renovation work on your building, you want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to make your business welcoming to everyone. That means making sure that everything is in compliance with the ADA. An accessible business is going to get more business than one where some people can't get into it. 

For more information, contact companies like Doors Fixed Right, Inc.
